agendaNI Subscription
18 February 2021Northern Ireland Yearbook 2020
The Northern Ireland Yearbook is the most comprehensive reference guide to the government and political life of Northern Ireland. It is a useful point of reference for organisations across different sectors.
The yearbook is a key publication that has been on the desks of the people of Northern Ireland for over 16 years.
It is published by agendaNi, Northern Ireland’s main political and policy magazine which covers the full spectrum of policy areas.
£39.95 + £3.95 Post and Packaging = £43.90
The guide to the public sector in Northern Ireland
The Yearbook is a unique publication in terms of the breadth and detail of its coverage. Some of the key features of the 2020 edition are:
- Contacts directory of the nine Northern Ireland Government Departments and Agencies
- Overview of local government: Each council profiled and 2019 election results
- Detailed guide to all the structures of government – Westminster, the Executive, MLA profiles, election results, north-south implementation bodies
- Details of political parties
- Focus on health
- Housing in Northern Ireland, sponsored by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive
- Education and skills
- Special chapter on Europe and Brexit
- Business and economy chapter
- Comprehensive listings of representative groups
- Tourism and conferencing chapter
- Justice and legal