Northern Ireland Yearbook 2020
18 February 2021
Social Media Belfast 2020 – Event recording
18 February 2021Northern Ireland Procurement Conference 2021
£174.00 – £210.00
agendaNi magazine’s annual procurement conference will examine what effective public procurement means for organisations in Northern Ireland. The conference will have a genuine, in-depth understanding of the key issues via a high-level panel of local and visiting speakers.
Delegate fee
£175 + VAT @ 20% = £210
Public sector delegate fee
£145 + VAT @ 20% = £174
Discussion topics for 2021 include:
- The changing legal framework for public procurement;
- What will Covid-19 mean for procurement;
- The impact of Brexit for Northern Ireland organisations in terms of procurement;
- Local government procurement;
- Digital procurement;
- Procurement as a strategic and innovative function;
- Procurement across the health sector during Covid-19;
- Engaging the utility supply chain;
- Creating social value in procurement;
- Best practice in procurement: case studies from outside Northern Ireland.
Who should attend?
The Northern Ireland Procurement Conference, alongside hearing expert speakers and taking part in in-depth Q&A sessions, presents the opportunity to network virtually with those involved in procurement throughout Northern Ireland. Procurement professionals and those working in other advisory roles from organisations across the public, private and voluntary/community sectors will be at the conference, including:
- Chief Executives / Executive Directors
- Board members / Non-Executive Directors
- Purchasing officers / managers
- Compliance officers / managers
- Finance Directors
- Legal and financial advisors
- Other procurement professionals