Northern Ireland Procurement Conference 2021
18 February 2021Northern Ireland Housing Conference 2021
£114.00 – £174.00
On 9 January 2020 the New Decade, New Approach deal was published to restore a functioning Northern Ireland Executive. Priority was afforded to housing due to the persistent level of housing stress in our communities. Huge challenges around the provision of housing already existed – and then the world was turned upside down by the Covid-19 pandemic.
This year the Northern Ireland Housing Conference will be delivered online. Once again, it will bring together key stakeholders and look at how we can fulfil the need for safe, affordable housing both now and in the future.
Conference format
agendaNi will be using an online platform that will allow speakers and delegates to follow the normal structure of a conference. This will include:
✔ Chair and speakers on screen during the session
✔ Speakers will be able to use PowerPoint slides
✔ A Q&A session with delegates being able to post questions, moderated by the chair
✔ A chat facility for delegates to make comments, moderated by agendaNi
✔ A twitter feed to be visible to all participants
✔ A ‘handout’ facility will allow delegates to receive relevant documentation
✔Delegates will get a ‘conference experience’ that goes beyond the normal video conferencing meeting formats.
Conference fee
Discounted rate for Housing Associations £95 + VAT@20% = £114
Discounted rate for the voluntary / community sector £95 + VAT@20% = £114
Delegate rate £145 + VAT@20% = £174
Northern Ireland Housing Conference 2021
Focused conference
On 9 January 2020 the New Decade, New Approach deal was published to restore a functioning Northern Ireland Executive. Priority was afforded to housing due to the persistent level of housing stress in our communities. Huge challenges around the provision of housing already existed – and then the world was turned upside down by the Covid-19 pandemic.
As of March 2019 there were 37,859 applicants on the social housing waiting list. Seven out of every 10 households waiting for a social home were deemed to be in priority need of housing – officially described as housing stress. From January to June 2020 there were 7,911 homeless presenters and 2,930 households living in temporary accommodation. A large proportion of households presenting as homeless is due to family/relationship breakdown and issues around mental health and debt – something that has been exacerbated by the pandemic.
Covid-19 has also had an impact on the 2019/20 new build social housing target – with a target of 1,850 unit starts only 761 were completed.
With a shortage of housing, we must find new ways to supply housing for people in need as well as making best use of existing stock. As we move forward, we must continue to prioritise the most vulnerable. There must also be a broader range of affordable housing options both for social and private rental and for purchase as well as accommodation that is suitable for single person households, as well as families.